
Vajrasattva Puja 金刚萨埵超度法会 ( 9 Agust 2014)

Ugyen Choephel Rinpoche is one of the most well-known Rinpoche’s among the young Rinpoche’s of Nyingma lineage of Tibetan Buddhism.

He was born at Tezu in the eastern state of India called Arunachal Pradesh in 1973. From the childhood, he was identified as the incarnation of one of the Nyingmapa Lama by the Lama Daegey Lhadrang Rinpoche but was told to keep secret. At the age of four, when Thinly Norbu Rinpoche was giving initiation of Rinchen Terzod Chenmo, at Tezu, he was identified as Tulku and named him as Konchok Tenzin. As he reached six, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama identified him as an incarnation of Nyingma Lama. Later in Nepal when he approached H.H. the Dujom Rinpoche, he was recognized as the incarnation of Terton Drimae Lingpa and gave him name Gyurmae Tenzin Thinly Pelbar. When he turned seven, he was handed over to Ven.Khochhen Rinpoche by Thinly Norbu Rinpoche during the initiation of Rinchen Terzod Chenmo scheduled, there in Mindrolling Monastery Clement Town, Dehra Dun. By attaining monk-hood in Mindrolling Monastery, he started leaming foundation course of reading and writing of syllable along with various rites and rituals. Later he joined Ngagyur Nyingma Dogyud Lekshae Ling College (Mindrolling College) and studied there for seven years leaming literature, grammar, compositions, prose and poetry, history etc. as the general subjects in addition to the vast and uncommon studies of Buddhist philosophy including Tantra and Sutra. In the meantime, he received many Terzod empowerment from Khyentse Rinpoche and Penor Rinpoche, oral transmissions from Dodrup Rinpoche and Thinly Norbu Rinpoche.Kama and Damngak Dzod from H.H.Trulshig Rinpoche. Above all from his root Lama H.H. the Minling Trichen Dorje Chang, he learned many teachings of Dzogpachenpo. He has completed his four foundation seven times and taken retreats in Mindrolling Monastery.

The main aim of Rinpoche is to spread buddha’s teaching for the benefit of all sentient beings.

鄔金仁波切是岩蒇大师吉美宁巴的转世化身,一九七三年誕生於印度东部帝竹地方。出生不久,当地有一位上师德格拉当仁波切认出他是大师转世,劝其父母暂先保密此身份,直至四岁时由敦珠法王长子听列诺布仁波切认证其转世身份并公诸于世,赐名昆秋殿吉。六岁时,不但得到达赖喇嘛承认其为转世仁波切,并且经敦珠法王确认为吉美宁巴岩蒇大师转世化身, 赐名久美殿吉听列边巴。

七岁时,听列诺布仁波切將其托付阔千仁波切,住进印度敏卓林寺学习西蒇文法和所有彿教仪轨多年,随后又晋身敏卓林佛学院深入经蒇达七年馀。这期间先后自敦珠法王,顶果法王, 贝诺法王, 多竹千法王, 听列诺布仁波切等多位伟大上师處接受了各部岩蒇法的灌顶口传开示,亦自根本上师敏林澈清法王處接受许多大圆滿教法。并经常闭关精进修行,完成了七次四加行各种基础加行。



金 刚萨埵是一切本尊化身的来源,一切本尊皆由金刚萨埵所化现,金刚萨埵是消除一切罪业最强而有力之本尊。修持金刚萨埵仪轨等于修持一切佛菩萨本尊法,更得一 切本尊之功德。任何众生听到金刚萨埵名号,观想、持诵本尊心咒,举行金刚萨埵火供,能消除一切罪障,接受灌顶修持本尊法,持诵心咒严守戒律,除去生生世世 轮迴无明所积累深重罪业,现世身体疾病、魔障,一切外障碍皆得消除,来生不堕三恶道,若身而为人, 财富、健康、长寿具足、往生东方现喜刹土。今生精勤修持此本尊法,能令行者三业清静,福德广增无量,功德利益不可思议。因此,金刚萨埵被称为净除障碍王。

Vajrasattva Jang Chog (Deceased Puja)

JANG CHOG means "Purification Ceremony." It is a skilful Vajrayana practice for purifying the negative karma of those who have died, and transferring their consciousnesses to a Pure Land. It can liberate beings from the lower realms, and can benefit those who have died recently and are in the intermediate state on their way to a lower rebirth, by changing their rebirth to the human realm or a Pure Land. In that way, those beings have a chance once again to meet the Dharma and meet a fully qualified virtuous friend. At the same time, the ashes or remains of the deceased can be blessed, so they actually become holy objects, at which time they can then be placed in holy objects like stupas and statues. This becomes highly beneficial for the deceased and for those family or friends left behind, because every time they make offerings such as flowers or lights and pay respects to the deceased, they create a great deal of merit.

金刚萨埵超度亡者法会 (超度功德解說)





The Benefits of Fire Puja:

A fire puja is an offering of a large number of specific substances tossed into a fire during an elaborate ritual. As these offerings are made, violations are purified. Fire pujas are also performed to enhance the four actions— of pacifying, enriching, magnetizing and destroying—that are performed by enlightened beings to benefit others and eliminate unfavorable circumstances.

For the living, a fire puja ceremony purifies obstacles, increases life, health, merit, and wealth. For the deceased, the ceremony is an excellent method of purifying negative karma and attaining higher rebirth.





火供也可消除亡者在中陰痛苦, 與佛法結上善緣.

Shakyamuni Buddha Puja is a source of good collections: a rite of homage, worship (making offerings) and prayers to the teacher, the King of Sages, remembering his previous lives and biography.

The main point of the puja is to develop one's faith in the Buddha and collect vast merits by thinking about the wonderful things he has done - both in his countless previous lives as a bodhisattva and in his life as Shakyamuni, feeling joyful about them and making offerings, both real and visualized. One also purifies one's negative karmas by confessing them with regret and creates further merits by auspicious wishes and prayers for the flourishing of the Buddha's doctrine.


释迦牟尼,原名乔达摩·悉达多(Gautama Buddha),古印度释迦族人,是佛教的创始人。释迦’汉译能仁,能以仁爱的心来悯念众生,也就是佛教所说的大慈大悲心。因为佛能够给众生以安乐,能够拔众生的痛苦,以大慈大悲心去救度众生,这就是佛所具足的悲德。‘牟尼’汉译为寂默,是指佛在因地修行的时候,以自己心中本具的智慧光明,回光返照,断除烦恼,智慧圆满,这就是佛所具足的智德。佛具足能仁寂默,自利利他的智德与悲德,所以他的名字就叫做释迦牟尼佛。释迦牟尼当初出家的目的,是为了寻求解脱生老病死等痛苦之道。此法会旨在启发众生对佛佗的信心,继而宣扬佛佗的教诲,精神及真理。

